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A limited selection of our photography is available for purchase as fine art prints or wall decor. Thank you in advance for your support of a local artist!

Helpful tips when viewing & ordering:
-Consider starring your favorite images to help narrow down ones you may like to order. Click 'Select Photos' above, then the heart to mark your favorites.
-Hovering over the image with your mouse will also provide you with the image number to use when making any inquiries.
-We recommend 11x14 & larger prints be framed without glass, as they will be mounted on a backer-board to allow that.
-Gallery Wrapped Canvases can also be framed if desired, but display beautifully as a standalone product. Frames can be purchased online here as well.
-Metal prints are also available for those desiring a more modern product.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance ordering.